Rose Buds
Last night, I finished up the last soap batch for our Spring 2023 Collection and it turned out to be one of the sweetest and most romantic soaps that I’ve ever created. I found my stash of organic rose buds from Mountain Rose Herbs tucked behind some honeycomb and unrendered beeswax in my tea cabinet and was excited to try something new. I’ve never measured where to cut the soaps before, but I quickly marked the spots before I filled the molds and as the soap went to trace, I got to work.

The essential oils in this batch are lavender, bergamot and cypress and it smells delightful, but the top is just exquisite. Maybe it was because there has been a strong Rose theme here lately with our soap cutter’s name donning ‘Rose’ or maybe it is the sweet shop owner on Main St that is also named Rose or maybe it is tucking these buds onto each soap end while holding my baby and getting her back to sleep so I could finalize the Spring Soapscription. Whatever it is, I’m thankful for the opportunity and for the beauty that keeps pouring out of this little corner of the world.

We don’t deserve a bit of it.

XO, Melissa