Rose Buds

Rose Buds

Last night, I finished up the last soap batch for our Spring 2023 Collection and it turned out to be one of the sweetest and most romantic soaps that I’ve ever created. I found my stash of organic rose buds from Mountain Rose Herbs tucked behind some honeycomb and unrendered beeswax in my tea cabinet…

Makers Gonna Make
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Makers Gonna Make

We’ve been back at the drawing board and it feels good. The beeswax candles are stacking up and the soaps for December’s shipments are coming right along. Over 100 bars were made this week with another couple hundred in the works and we’ve got a special delivery of organic chamomile and rose petals that should…

One Year In…

One Year In…

It’s a bit surreal that we’ve just completed our 5th soapscription shipment and celebrated our 1 year anniversary. We launched our soapscriptions in September 2021 and have been a bit overwhelmed by the response. We had our share of challenges, but we held fast and trusted that time would tell. “Time will tell.” Those are…

TEA brainstorming

TEA brainstorming

The gardens are bursting at the seams. I’d be remiss if I didn’t confess that there are just as many weeds as berries, fruits and veggies. We’ve almost given up, but aren’t going to be deterred that easily. This is our 12th year gardening together and 3rd on this property and as sweet as the…