Soaps are curing… now what?!?
My sister suggested/requested a soap subscription so I went with it. Make some soaps and see if anyone wants to sign up for a box. My little paper and pen list of interested people has reached the max for the amount of soaps I’ve created.

My goal was to get all five of the varieties of soaps created and cured before the September shipping deadline (self imposed deadline). The next boxes will go out in December (again, my idea) so I’ve been planning the types of soaps to create for those boxes. In the meantime, I’m stuck on how to wrap and package and design labels, etc.

Graphic design isn’t my forte. Neither is creating a subscription link. Neither is marketing. Neither is keeping the computer mouse safe from little fingers apparently because we just had to order another one. But the big goal, getting the soaps made-that’s done. Now to work on the other parts of this little business.

Excuses? Maybe. Fear of failure? Quite possibly. Feeling like a big fat imposter? Sometimes. Pushing through all of it to get these first boxes of soaps shipped out in September? Hopefully!