September’s Soapscription Debut
We’ve already packaged up more than half of our inventory for delivery with the shop being live for only three days. We are thankful and humbled over here for sure. As I’m looking at the order forms and waiting for the regional rate boxes to arrive, (who knew shipping was so streamlined these days with exact boxes to use???!!!-not me) I realized that I haven’t publicly disclosed what bars are in September’s boxes. Our first soapscription boxes. Our debut… our original… us getting our feet wet… our giant leap of faith… Too late to regret. One step at a time. One bite at a time.
Those are my little friendly reminders/pep talks/just keep swimming/etc.
So, without further ado- the soaps that have been curing for weeks and months- the soaps that are completely inspired by what’s been growing around our home all summer long- the soaps that i’m finally excited to put in other households and the soaps that I might look back at in a couple of years and think- wow… that was quite a beginning.

They’ve got botanicals from our yard, tallow that I’ve rendered from our neighbor’s farms, essential oils derived from the same varieties of plants that we grow, organic and gmo-free oils and beautiful clays from companies that we trust. There is a lot of learning and a whole lot more love in every batch. I see improvements already in the December soaps that I’ve started making but most of all- they’re unique, beautiful and deliciously unrefined.