


That’s the ‘clever hashtag’ that our dear, sweet friend Ms Lois came up with after another precious sister of mine suggested a ‘clever hashtag’ for the mama chicken puppy excitement happening over here lately. I’ve been posting these cute photos on IG and FB, because they bring me so much joy and it’s hard to keep it all to myself. I love animals. I really do. I always have.


I was the kid at the elementary school fair spending all my tickets to “Save the Goldfish!!!” from the blue kiddie pool positioned in the hot summer sun. I was the kid who brought home every stray dog, cat, bird and broken winged butterfly and who sobbed for days and days the first time a speeding car on Drayton St ran over a pigeon… I can still see it 20+ years later. Those goldfish lived about 10 years by the way and any money I earned or birthday gifts went to fish supplies… That was kind of disappointing, but no one can say I was spoiled. My parents were practical out of necessity and it has been quite a blessing for me.


Anyway, spending just a little bit of time with the animals has been such a fun ‘get-away’ and I have loved seeing the personalities of this corner of the farm unfold. I joked with one of the puppy’s new owners that we may end up doing a buy a dog get a chicken free deal. At this rate, we just might.



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