

Words mean more to me than I care to admit. A compliment will have me floating on clouds and a criticism can ruin my day. I know that my ‘love language’ is words of affirmation and boy was I feeling loved this morning. You see, we are beekeepers and farmers and homesteaders and grow-your-own-fooders and…


Over the hump

Did I already share that we’re expecting a new little honey bee to join our crew? Well, we are thrilled and finally over the first trimester woes of nausea, exhaustion, queasy goodness that always accompanies my baby’s earliest weeks of development. I’m thankful for each season and this last one has been a doozy. We…

The Good Shepherd

“I need you to pray right now.” Those are the first words I heard when I answered Andy’s call. Followed by a brief explanation that all 5 of the Jacob sheep he had picked up from a SC farm were now running in and out of 70mph traffic on i95. Apparently, the trailer door came…